Vibration Measurement Spectrum Analysis

With this option is possible to perform, on whichever kind of motor, the measurement of Vibration. The system can manage from 1 to 3 different accelerometers, in order to cover, in the most complete version, the three axis of the motor. The model of accelerometer (bandwidth, accuracy, ..) the fixture (magnetic, with clamp, with spring, ..) and eventual manual or automatic movement for placement are developed and designed basing on the Customer requirements and production station layout. The test it’s composed by 2 modules.

The first module (the basic one) is a pure production module which allows to acquire and compare (to a suitable nominal value plus tolerance or min-max values) the RMS and PEAK Values, for a discrimination of Go and Faulty parts done basing on these values (figure 1).

The second module (figure 2) is based on the automatic performance of an FFT Analysis on the signal(s) acquired. With this module, in addition to what the first module performs, it’s possible to acquire and perform the following measurements:

  • RMS and Peak Measure of the Total Vibration Signal Vs. Time 
  • Spectral analysis (FFT) of Peak, RMS, Integral Values 
  • Analysis (with the possibility to set acceptance limits and threshold, to filter faulty parts) in various programmable bands (selected freely by the Customer)

One last note: when the Customer wishes to perform a good vibration test, it’s always important to remember that the mechanical of the testing station must be suitable in order to keep the motor in safety but to avoid to reduce or cancel the natural motor vibration that it’s wished to be measured. E.D.C. designs and realize on request many different kind of structures and bench to allow the perfect performance of the Vibration test, also in Production conditions (as well as in Laboratory conditions).
Code: 320/FFT-V