Torque – RPM Measurement with Mechanical Brakes

This function, which can be associated with different production testing systems (AMT, PAE, ATS, ...) or laboratory (ATC, TC2, TAC), allows the system to perform torque - rpm measurements on the motor under test , using one or more mechanical brakes and reporting this data both in graphical and tabular mode.

The system will therefore independently manage the brake (active or passive, of any type), the power supply of the same (via network or inverter or other source to be defined), the torque meter or the load cell for the acquisition of the torque and any other device or sensor needed for measurement purposes.

In addition to the above, E.D.C. normally also realizes the test bench, where the brake is fixed and the motor under test is positioned. The mechanical bench can have very different characteristics: dimensions suitable for the range of products to be tested, manual or electrical mechanical movements, special features if special tests are required (for example, adequate structure for vibration measurements, bench inserted in silent chamber for noise measurements) , ...).